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Enumerates majorsteps for domestic water conservation.


Enumerates major steps for domestic water conservation.


The Middle East region is plagued by water scarcity and water management issues.
Despite heavy investment in the water sector, water management remains a
serious economic and environmental issue throughout the region.
Overconsumption of water is a serious issue as per capita use of water in most of
the Middle Eastern countries is several times more water than the global average.
For example, on an average each UAE and Saudi Arabian resident consume 550
liters and 250 liters of water per day respectively.
On the other hand, per capita water consumption in United Kingdom and Germany
is 150 liters and 127 liters per day respectively. These statistics are a grim reminder
that excessive consumption of water must be curbed urgently in order to secure
water supplies for the coming generations.
Water scarcity is a reality in almost all Middle East countries, be it arid Kuwait or
green Jordan. However, most of the people are either unaware or have ignored this
stark fact. High population growth coupled with rapid industrialization calls for
a sustainable water use pattern in domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
Domestic sector is responsible for one of the largest water consumption in the
Middle East.
For example, in United Arab Emirates private households account for about one fourth of

total water consumption. Households use water for drinking, washing, air
conditioning, gardening, landscaping etc. Due to rising water demand and
dwindling freshwater supplies, domestic water conservation is an urgent need of
the hour. Water conservation can help not only help in saving water but will also
conserve energy required for desalination, wastewater treatment and transport of

Domestic water conservation can be used in all types of residential, institutional,
and commercial buildings in the Middle East. Installation of technologies and
products like faucet aerators, low-flow or sensor-based faucets, low-flow
showerheads, low-flush and composting toilets, water-saving dishwashers and
clothes washers can play a significant role in saving water at the domestic level.
Moreover, detecting and fixing leaks in water system, and ensuring operation of
valves at the optimum pressure, can save good deal of water. Fixing leaks in pipes,
fittings, tanks, and fixtures enhances the effectiveness of water-saving products.
Pressure-reducing valves can be used to lessen the force and amount of water
flows. However, different applications require different kinds of valve like ball
valve, gate valve, butterfly valve etc. So make sure you are choosing the right valve
to control the flow better.
To promote conservation, water supply should be metered and monetized.
Monitoring and metering can increase efficiency of water distribution network and
can provide accurate data of consumption level of a particular consumer. Removal
of subsidies and appropriate pricing of water can be a powerful tool to enforce
water conservation at household level. Pricing of water will not only help in
improvement of water infrastructure but may also a strong message to the public
that water has certain monetary value and should be conserved.
Providing subsidies on water-saving devices, like toilet retrofits, can be an
attractive inducement. Encouragement of xeriscaping or natural landscaping can
significantly reduce outdoor water use in arid climate, like that of the Middle
East. Water conservation is often confused with reduction of water consumption.
However, it also includes use of improved technologies and practices that deliver
equal or better service with less water.

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