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What are the major threats which China perceives from India? Explain.



1. Border Disputes: The most prominent and longstanding issue between China and India has been their unresolved border disputes, particularly over the areas of Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. These disputes have led to several military standoffs and skirmishes, such as the 1962 Sino-Indian War and the 2017 Doklam standoff, and continue to be a significant concern for both countries.

2. Competition for Regional Influence: China perceives India as a regional rival that could challenge its influence in South Asia and beyond. India’s growing economic and military strength, combined with its “Act East” policy, which seeks to strengthen ties with Southeast Asian nations, has raised concerns in China about its own regional dominance.

3. Tibet Issue: China views India’s historical and cultural connections with Tibet as a potential security threat. India’s hosting of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, and the presence of Tibetan refugees in India have been points of contention in bilateral relations.

4. Geopolitical Alignment: China is wary of India’s efforts to deepen ties with other major powers, such as the United States and Japan, as it perceives these alliances as potentially encircling China and limiting its regional influence.


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5. Maritime Competition: While the primary focus of tensions has been on the land borders, there have been emerging concerns about maritime competition in the Indian Ocean region. China’s development of ports and infrastructure in countries surrounding India, part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), has raised suspicions in India about China’s strategic intent in the Indian Ocean.

6. Nuclear Capabilities: Both China and India are nuclear powers, and any escalation in tensions between the two could have severe consequences. Each country’s nuclear capabilities are closely monitored, and any perceived advancement in nuclear technology by either side could heighten security concerns.

It is essential to note that perceptions of threats are often influenced by historical events, geopolitical dynamics, and domestic politics, making the China-India relationship complex and multifaceted. The situation may have evolved since my last update, so it is crucial to refer to more recent sources for the latest developments.

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