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IGNOU PGDEOH Course ,Eligibility Criteria, Duration & More

Environmental and Occupational Health focuses on assessing the public health risks associated with biological, chemical, physical, biomechanical and psychosocial hazards in natural and built environments. Environmental health specialists focus on the effect of environmental pollution on the health of human beings. The human health is a reflection of socio-economic & physical environment. The main link between the workplace and the general environment is that the source of the hazard is usually the same, whether it is an agriculture activity or an industrial activity. The Programme aims at various concepts related to general environment, environment at the work place, related hazards and evaluation of health risk assessment by providing solutions to various aspects of environmental health occupational hazard management, epidemiology, health policy and management, and environmental health promotion. The successful learners will be able to work with health practitioners, researchers and policy makers to develop, evaluate and monitor health policies, programmes and practices related to healthy environments. As per the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Environmental and Occupational health centers are mandatory at hazardous process factories/unit and full time environmental and occupational health specialists are required when the number of employees in the concerned unit exceeds 200. As per the secondary data available there is an urgent need for competent professionals in this field.

Programme Objectives:
• Define physical. chemical, biological and environmental hazards
• Discuss the impact of environmental hazard on human health
• Identify the occupational hazards, their prevention and management and
• Describe the policies, laws, standards, measurement techniques and application in different occupational setups


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Eligibility for IGNOU PGDEOH  Programme

Bachelor’s Degree+Knowledge or English & Knowledge of Word Processing.

Medium of IGNOU  PGDEOH  Programme


Duration of IGNOU PGDEOH  Programme

Minimum Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years


Fee Structure: 6,600

PGDEOH    Subjects

CourseCode Course Name Credits
 MEV-001  Introduction to Environmental Health  4
 MEV-002  Environmental and Occupational Hazards  4
 MEV-003  Environmental Law and Management  4
 MEV-004  Environmental Toxicology  4
 MEV-005  Occupational Health and Safety  4
 MEVP-001  Project (PGDEOH)  4
 MEVE-001  Environmental Impact Assessment for Environmental Health  4
 MEVE-002  Health Care  4
 MEVE-003  Agriculture and Allied Sector  4
 MEVE-004  Industrial Sector  4


Contact Details:
Name of the School: SOITS
Name of the Programme Coordinators: Dr. B. Rupini, Dr. Sushmitha Baskar, Prof. Ruchika Kuba
Contact No: 011-29536667, 011-29573380, 29571122, 29572813,9911223373
Email ID –,,

Now I hope that you have got a lot of information about IGNOU’s  PGDEOH  Program and you will have learned a lot about this course easily.

Note : ignou assignment wala is not an official site of  IGNOU


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Siddharth puniani

    Ts1, Ts2, mttm1, mttm2,mttm3, mttm4 all 2020-21 session assignment required

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