You are currently viewing IGNOU BGS 11 EM SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-24





Course Code: BGS-011
Assignment Code: ASST /TMA / 2023-24
Total Marks: 100



Section A
Answer the following in about 500 words each.
1. Describe the salient features of Indian Legal System. (20 marks)
2. Evaluate the contribution of women’s movement in relation to law. (20 marks)


Section B
Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.
3. Describe the role of law in society. (10 marks)
4. Explain the discrimination against LGBTQI= people in India. (10 marks)
5. Discuss the gender roles in the society. (10 marks)


Section C
Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.
6. Write a note on legal realism. (6 marks)
7. What is the relationship between class and law? (6 marks)
8. What are the legal issues faced by LGBTQI+ people (6 marks)
9. Write your understanding on heteronormativity. (6 marks)
10. Write a note on Critical Legal Studies (CLS). (6 marks)



                                                                              Section A


Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Describe the salient features of Indian Legal System.

The Indian legal system is a complex and multifaceted framework that has evolved over centuries, blending various historical, cultural, and constitutional influences. Encompassing a diverse array of laws and institutions, it is characterized by several salient features that shape its structure and functioning.

1. Constitutional Framework: The Indian legal system is governed primarily by the Constitution of India, adopted in 1950. It lays down the fundamental principles, rights, and duties of citizens, and establishes the framework for the functioning of the government, legislature, and judiciary. It embodies the concept of federalism with a division of powers between the central government and the states.

2. Federal Structure: India operates as a quasi-federal system with a strong centralizing tendency. The Constitution delineates powers between the Union (central government) and the states, specifying exclusive, concurrent, and residual subjects. However, during emergencies, the central government can assume broader powers, affecting the federal balance.

3. Separation of Powers:The Indian legal system incorporates the principle of separation of powers among the executive, legislature, and judiciary. Each branch operates independently, ensuring a system of checks and balances. However, unlike some Western models, India has a fused system where the executive is part of the legislature.

4. Independent Judiciary: The judiciary in India, including the Supreme Court, is autonomous and separate from the executive. It serves as the guardian of the Constitution and has the authority to interpret laws, protect fundamental rights, and check the powers of the legislature and executive. The collegium system is employed for the appointment and transfer of judges.

5. Pluralistic Legal System: India boasts a diverse legal landscape, comprising different sources of law such as common law, statutory law, and customary law. Additionally, personal laws based on religion and community customs apply in matters like marriage, divorce, and succession among different religious groups.

6. Adversarial System: The Indian legal system predominantly follows an adversarial system of justice, where parties present their cases before an impartial judge. This system emphasizes the role of lawyers representing the interests of their clients.

7. Public Interest Litigation (PIL): A significant feature of the Indian legal system is PIL, allowing any individual or organization to seek judicial intervention in matters of public interest, even if they are not directly affected by the issue. PIL has been instrumental in addressing various social issues and ensuring access to justice for marginalized communities.

8. Legal Pluralism:  India’s legal system acknowledges the existence of diverse legal traditions and practices across regions and communities. It accommodates customary laws and personal laws while striving to uphold constitutional principles, often leading to a balancing act between individual rights and community practices.

9. Delay in Justice: One of the challenges faced by the Indian legal system is the issue of delay in delivering justice. Courts are burdened with a large backlog of cases, leading to prolonged litigation and impacting access to timely justice.

10. Reforms and Modernization: Efforts are ongoing to modernize and reform the legal system to make it more efficient, accessible, and responsive to contemporary challenges. Initiatives such as computerization of courts, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, and legal aid programs aim to address these issues.

In conclusion, the Indian legal system is a blend of ancient customs, colonial influences, and modern constitutional principles. Its diversity, independence of the judiciary, and commitment to protecting fundamental rights while accommodating pluralistic legal traditions are among its defining characteristics. Despite challenges like judicial backlog, ongoing reforms seek to enhance its efficiency and accessibility to ensure justice for all.

2. Evaluate the contribution of women’s movement in relation to law.

The contribution of the women’s movement to the evolution of law is profound and multifaceted. Spanning centuries, this movement has played a pivotal role in shaping legal frameworks, challenging discriminatory practices, and advocating for gender equality under the law. From suffrage movements to contemporary intersectional feminist activism, women have driven legal changes that have reshaped societies globally.

Historical Context:
The women’s movement emerged against a backdrop of legal structures that systematically disadvantaged women. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, women were denied fundamental rights, including the right to vote, own property, access education, and participate in the workforce on an equal footing with men. Suffragettes and early feminists fought tirelessly for the right to vote, ultimately leading to significant legal victories such as the 19th Amendment in the United States and similar changes worldwide.

Legal Reforms:
The women’s movement has been instrumental in advocating for legislative reforms that promote gender equality. Through activism, advocacy, and lobbying efforts, laws concerning reproductive rights, equal pay, sexual harassment, domestic violence, and parental leave have been substantially influenced and transformed. For instance, the passing of Title IX in the United States in 1972 revolutionized educational equity by prohibiting sex-based discrimination in federally funded educational programs and activities.

Challenging Gender Discrimination:
One of the movement’s key contributions has been challenging gender-based discrimination entrenched in legal systems. Landmark court cases have been initiated by women’s rights activists to challenge discriminatory laws and practices, setting legal precedents that have expanded women’s rights. The legal battle in Roe v. Wade in the US, for instance, secured a woman’s right to access safe and legal abortion, a decision that has been fiercely protected and contested ever since.

Creating Awareness and Changing Norms:
The women’s movement has not only influenced specific laws but has also been pivotal in reshaping societal perceptions and norms surrounding gender roles and equality. Through public awareness campaigns, protests, and grassroots organizing, the movement has fostered a cultural shift, challenging stereotypes and fostering a more inclusive legal landscape.

intersectionality and Inclusivity:
Moreover, the women’s movement has evolved to embrace intersectionality, recognizing that gender equality intersects with race, class, sexual orientation, and other identities. This inclusivity has expanded the movement’s focus, advocating for the rights of marginalized and minority groups within the broader struggle for gender equality. Laws addressing issues faced by LGBTQ+ women, women of color, and women from various socio-economic backgrounds have gained attention due to this expanded focus.

Ongoing Challenges and Future Directions:
Despite significant progress, the women’s movement continues to face challenges. Persistent gender-based violence, wage gaps, inadequate representation in leadership positions, and barriers to reproductive rights remain contentious issues. The movement is evolving to address these challenges, pushing for more comprehensive legal reforms and broader societal changes.

In essence, the women’s movement has been a driving force in reshaping legal landscapes worldwide. Its contributions encompass legal reforms, challenging discriminatory practices, raising awareness, and advocating for an inclusive approach to gender equality. While considerable strides have been made, ongoing efforts are crucial to ensure that laws reflect and protect the rights of all individuals, regardless of gender, fostering a more equitable society for generations to come.


                                                                                  Section B


3. Describe the role of law in society

The role of law in society is multifaceted and integral to maintaining order, justice, and the protection of individual rights within a community or nation. Laws serve as the framework that governs interactions between individuals, organizations, and governments, creating a system that establishes rights, duties, and expectations for behavior. This framework is crucial for several reasons.

First and foremost, laws provide a structure for maintaining order and stability within a society. They define acceptable behavior and set boundaries for actions that are deemed harmful or illegal. By establishing these boundaries, laws create a sense of predictability and security, enabling individuals to live and interact with some level of confidence in how others will behave.

Furthermore, laws play a pivotal role in upholding justice and ensuring fairness. They provide a mechanism for resolving disputes, punishing wrongdoing, and seeking redress for victims. The legal system offers a framework for adjudicating conflicts and grievances through courts, where evidence is presented, arguments are heard, and decisions are made based on established legal principles.

Additionally, laws safeguard individual rights and freedoms. They articulate and protect fundamental human rights, such as the right to freedom of speech, assembly, and due process. Through legal statutes and constitutional provisions, laws create a safeguard against the potential abuse of power by governments or individuals, ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law.

Laws also serve as a tool for societal change and progress. They can reflect evolving social norms and values by adapting to new circumstances, technologies, and cultural shifts. For instance, laws addressing environmental protection, civil rights, or digital privacy often evolve to meet the changing needs and challenges of society.

Moreover, the enforcement of laws is crucial for their efficacy. Law enforcement agencies, judicial systems, and regulatory bodies ensure that laws are implemented and adhered to. This enforcement not only deters individuals from violating laws but also acts as a deterrent for potential wrongdoers, contributing to the overall maintenance of social order.

However, the role of law in society isn’t without its complexities and challenges. One significant challenge is ensuring that laws are just, equitable, and accessible to all members of society. Disparities in legal access or biases within the legal system can undermine the fairness and effectiveness of laws, leading to injustices and social unrest.

Furthermore, balancing the need for order and stability with individual freedoms and societal progress can be a delicate task. Sometimes, laws might lag behind societal changes or technological advancements, creating gaps or ambiguities that require continual review and adaptation.

In conclusion, the role of law in society is pivotal and multifaceted. It serves as a framework for maintaining order, upholding justice, protecting rights, fostering societal progress, and ensuring fairness. While challenges exist in ensuring equitable access and adapting to changing societal needs, a robust legal system is essential for a functional and just society.


4. Explain the discrimination against LGBTQI= people in India.

Discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals in India has been a longstanding issue deeply rooted in societal norms, legal frameworks, and cultural beliefs. Despite strides towards progress, this community faces multifaceted challenges that hinder their rights, acceptance, and inclusion within Indian society.

Historically, India’s societal structure has been influenced by conservative ideologies, often perpetuated by cultural and religious norms. Traditional beliefs about gender roles and sexual orientation have largely adhered to heteronormative standards, marginalizing those who don’t conform to these norms.

One significant hurdle has been the existence of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, a colonial-era law that criminalized consensual homosexual acts. For many years, this law perpetuated discrimination, harassment, and violence against LGBTQI+ individuals, contributing to their social exclusion and vulnerability. While this provision was struck down by the Indian Supreme Court in 2018, the repercussions of its existence still linger in societal attitudes and practices.

Cultural stigma plays a pivotal role in perpetuating discrimination. LGBTQI+ individuals often face rejection from their families, communities, and workplaces due to societal prejudices. Coming out can lead to ostracization, emotional trauma, and even violence. Family pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations compels many individuals to conceal their sexual orientation or gender identity, leading to a life of secrecy and fear.

Institutional discrimination exacerbates the challenges faced by the LGBTQI+ community. Employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity remains prevalent, hindering job opportunities and career advancement. Access to healthcare, particularly concerning gender-affirming treatments and mental health support, is limited and often discriminatory.

Moreover, the lack of legal recognition for same-sex marriages denies LGBTQI+ couples the legal rights and benefits enjoyed by heterosexual couples. This absence of legal protection exposes them to various vulnerabilities, including property rights, inheritance, and child custody.

Despite these challenges, there have been positive strides towards LGBTQI+ rights in India. The decriminalization of consensual same-sex relations was a significant milestone. Additionally, activism and advocacy efforts have gained momentum, leading to increased visibility and awareness about LGBTQI+ issues. Pride parades and cultural events have provided platforms for the community to voice their concerns and demand equality.

However, genuine societal change requires a comprehensive shift in attitudes, education, and legislation. Comprehensive anti-discrimination laws specifically protecting LGBTQI+ rights are crucial. Education and awareness campaigns can help dispel myths, reduce stigma, and foster acceptance and understanding.

In conclusion, discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals in India persists due to deep-seated societal prejudices, legal gaps, and cultural biases. Overcoming these challenges requires a concerted effort from all sectors of society—legal, social, cultural, and educational—to create an environment that embraces diversity, equality, and inclusion for all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


5. Discuss the gender roles in the society.

Gender roles in society refer to the set of societal expectations, norms, and behaviors that are considered appropriate for individuals based on their perceived gender. These roles have evolved over time and vary significantly across cultures, but they often encompass stereotypes and beliefs about the roles and responsibilities of men and women.

Traditionally, many societies have adhered to rigid gender roles, where men were expected to be the primary breadwinners and decision-makers, while women were assigned domestic duties and caregiving roles. This division of labor often led to unequal distribution of power, opportunities, and resources between genders. However, in contemporary society, these roles have undergone significant changes due to various factors such as cultural shifts, social movements advocating for gender equality, and changes in the workforce.

In many parts of the world, there has been a gradual but noticeable shift away from strict adherence to traditional gender roles. Women have increasingly entered the workforce, taking on roles previously dominated by men. This shift has challenged the notion that certain jobs or responsibilities are inherently gender-specific. Similarly, men have started taking on more active roles in caregiving and domestic responsibilities, challenging the stereotype of men as the sole providers.

Despite these advancements, gender roles persist in subtle ways. Stereotypes and expectations about behavior, appearance, and interests based on gender still influence societal perceptions. For instance, boys are often encouraged to be assertive, competitive, and unemotional, while girls may be expected to be nurturing, passive, and accommodating. These stereotypes can limit individual expression and opportunities, reinforcing societal biases and inequalities.

Additionally, the LGBTQ+ community faces unique challenges concerning gender roles. Societal norms often dictate specific roles and behaviors based on binary gender identities, which can marginalize individuals who do not conform to these expectations. Efforts to broaden societal acceptance and understanding of diverse gender identities and expressions are ongoing, aiming to create more inclusive and accepting environments.

Education and awareness play crucial roles in challenging and reshaping gender roles in society. By promoting diversity, equality, and inclusivity in schools, workplaces, and media representation, we can break down stereotypes and encourage individuals to express themselves authentically, regardless of societal expectations based on gender.

Furthermore, policies promoting gender equality in areas such as employment, healthcare, and politics are essential for creating a more equitable society. Initiatives that provide equal opportunities for men and women, combat gender-based violence, and support work-life balance for all genders contribute to dismantling traditional gender roles and fostering a more inclusive society.

In conclusion, while significant progress has been made in challenging traditional gender roles, there is still work to be done to achieve true gender equality. By fostering awareness, advocating for inclusive policies, and encouraging individual expression and empowerment, societies can continue moving towards a future where individuals are not constrained by rigid gender norms, allowing everyone to live authentically and contribute to society based on their abilities and interests rather than prescribed gender roles.


                                                                                     Section C

6. Write a note on legal realism.

Legal realism is a legal theory emphasizing that judges’ decisions are influenced by social context, personal beliefs, and policy considerations rather than solely by legal rules. It emerged in the early 20th century, challenging formalistic approaches. Realists argue that law cannot be entirely objective and is shaped by subjective factors. They believe that judges use their discretion and consider societal implications while interpreting laws. Legal realism aims to understand law within a broader societal framework, highlighting the importance of context and practical consequences in judicial decision-making, steering away from strict adherence to legal doctrines.

7. What is the relationship between class and law?

Class and law are intricately intertwined, shaping and reflecting societal power dynamics. Legal systems often bear the imprint of dominant classes, establishing norms, rights, and protections that can favor or disadvantage specific social strata. Laws concerning property, employment, and access to resources can perpetuate or challenge class disparities. Additionally, disparities in legal representation and access to justice further amplify class-based inequalities. The law can both reinforce existing class structures and serve as a battleground for challenging and reshaping these hierarchies, highlighting the complex interplay between class positions and the legal framework within a society.

8. What are the legal issues faced by LGBTQI+ people

Legal issues faced by LGBTQI+ individuals encompass discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations due to lack of comprehensive anti-discrimination laws. Marriage rights, adoption, and healthcare access vary based on location and can lead to unequal treatment. Transgender rights often face hurdles concerning legal recognition of gender identity, access to appropriate healthcare, and protection from violence. Conversion therapy, a harmful practice aiming to change sexual orientation or gender identity, remains legal in several places, posing significant risks to LGBTQI+ mental health. The intersectionality of race, gender, and sexual orientation amplifies these issues, highlighting the need for inclusive legal protections and societal acceptance.

9. Write your understanding on heteronormativity

Heteronormativity refers to the societal assumption that heterosexuality is the norm, defining norms, behaviors, and expectations based on this premise. It marginalizes other sexual orientations, reinforcing binary gender roles and relationships. It creates a framework where non-heterosexual identities are seen as deviant or abnormal, leading to discrimination and limited visibility for LGBTQ+ individuals. Heteronormativity perpetuates stereotypes, influencing societal structures, laws, and institutions. Challenging this mindset involves advocating for inclusivity, acknowledging diverse sexual orientations, and fostering environments that embrace the spectrum of human identities beyond the heterosexual norm.

10. Write a note on Critical Legal Studies (CLS).

Critical Legal Studies (CLS) is a legal theory challenging traditional legal doctrines by examining law’s social and political implications. It questions how law reinforces power structures, privileges, and inequality. CLS scholars critique the idea of law as neutral, highlighting its role in perpetuating injustices. They emphasize understanding law’s connection to politics, economics, and social dynamics. CLS aims to unveil biases in legal systems, advocating for change by considering broader societal impacts. It encourages legal analysis through a critical lens, seeking to transform law to promote justice, equality, and fairness for marginalized groups and challenge established legal norms.