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Examine the factors that have led to ethnic divide in Sri Lanka

The ethnic divide in Sri Lanka can be traced back to historical, social, political, and economic factors. The primary ethnic groups in Sri Lanka are the Sinhalese, who are predominantly Buddhists, and the Tamils, who are primarily Hindus. Here are some key factors that have contributed to the ethnic divide in the country:

1. Colonial Legacy: Sri Lanka was colonized by the Portuguese, Dutch, and British for over four centuries. During this period, the colonizers favored certain ethnic groups over others, leading to unequal treatment and disparities. This legacy of favoritism created a sense of resentment and mistrust among different ethnic groups.

2. Language and Education Policies: After independence, language and education policies were implemented, which marginalized the Tamil-speaking minority. The Sinhala language was made the sole official language, disadvantaging the Tamil-speaking population in government institutions and public services. This policy resulted in a lack of representation and reduced opportunities for the Tamil community.

3. Economic Disparities: There have been economic disparities between the Sinhalese and Tamil communities, with the Sinhalese having better access to resources and opportunities. This inequality has contributed to the feeling of marginalization and exclusion among the Tamil community.

4. Political Tensions: Ethnic tensions have been fueled by political issues. Certain political leaders have exploited ethnic divisions to gain support from their respective communities. This has led to the reinforcement of ethnic identities and a divisive political environment.

5. Civil War: The most significant factor contributing to the ethnic divide in Sri Lanka was the civil war that lasted from 1983 to 2009 between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a separatist militant organization. The war resulted in immense human suffering, loss of life, and displacement, further deepening the animosity between the two communities.

6. Discriminatory Policies: The Tamils have faced discriminatory policies in areas like land ownership, employment, and education. These policies have reinforced the feeling of marginalization and created a sense of insecurity among the Tamil population.

7. Cultural and Religious Differences: Sri Lanka has a diverse cultural and religious landscape. The differences in customs, traditions, and religious practices have sometimes led to misunderstandings and conflicts between the two major ethnic groups.

8. Media and Propaganda: Biased media reporting and propaganda have contributed to the polarization of the communities. Misinformation and sensationalism in reporting have fueled distrust and hostility between the Sinhalese and Tamil communities.

Addressing the ethnic divide in Sri Lanka requires efforts from all sections of society, including government, civil society, and the general public. Promoting reconciliation, ensuring equal rights and opportunities, and fostering inter-ethnic dialogue are crucial steps towards building a more harmonious and inclusive Sri Lanka.

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