Describe the features of human resource development.

Describe the features of human resource development.

Features of Human Resource development

The essential features of human resource development can be listed as follows:

    • Human resource development is a process in which employees of the organisations are recognized as its human resource. It believes that human resource is most valuable asset of the organisation.

    • It stresses on development of human resources of the organisation. It helps the employees of the organisation to develop their general capabilities in relation to their present jobs and expected future role.

    • It emphasise on the development and best utilization of the capabilities of individuals in the interest of the employees and organisation.

    • It helps is establishing/developing better inter-personal relations. It stresses on developing relationship based on help, trust and confidence.

    • It promotes team spirit among employees.

    • It tries to develop competencies at the organisation level. It stresses on providing healthy climate for development in the organisation.

    • HRD is a system. It has several sub-systems. All these sub-systems are inter-related and interwoven. It stresses on collaboration among all the sub-systems.

    • It aims to develop an organisational culture in which there is good senior-subordinate relations, motivation, quality and sense of belonging.

    • It tries to develop competence at individual, inter-personal, group and organisational level to meet organisational goal.

    • It is an inter-disciplinary concept. It is based on the concepts, ideas and principles of sociology, psychology, economics etc.

    • It form on employee welfare and quality of work life. It tries to examine/identify employee needs and meeting them to the best possible extent.

    • It is a continuous and systematic learning process. Development is a life long process, which never ends.

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